Olá Amigos,
Voltei depois de muito, muito tempo...
A vida está corrida rsrs...
Mas, estou aqui hoje para uma dica, desta vez, referente ao Sharepoint.
Seguem os dados do ambiente e do problema:
Sharepoint Foundation 2010
Banco de Dados Sql Server Express Edition 2012.
Durante a instalação do Sharepoint durante a fase de configuração da Administração Central do Sharepoint ocorre o erro:
Could not find stored procedure ‘sp_dboption’ – Installing SharePoint 2010 on SQL Server 2012
Este erro está relacionado a falta da procedure chamada 'sp_dboption'.
Pesquisando na web encontrei algumas dicas dizendo para atualizar o Sql Server aplicando o patch SP1, porém encontrei uma outra dica bem simples e rápida que vou reproduzir aqui, que se trata de criar a procedure que está faltando (bem óbvio até...).
Segue o link de onde eu peguei a dica: http://itkbase.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/creating-webmarshal-database-on-sql-server-2012-error-could-not-find-stored-proceduresp_dboption/
Agora vai o comando:
Simplesmente crie a procedure usando o Management Studio por exemplo, e mande rodar novamente o instalador do Sharepoint.
Qualquer dúvida, entre em contato.
Copie e cole o código abaixo.
USE [master] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [sys].[sp_dboption] Script Date: 06/06/2012 21:16:10 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_dboption] -- 1999/08/09 18:25 @dbname sysname = NULL, -- database name to change @optname varchar(35) = NULL, -- option name to turn on/off @optvalue varchar(10) = NULL -- true or false as set nocount on declare @dbid int -- dbid of the database declare @catvalue int -- number of category option declare @optcount int -- number of options like @optname declare @allstatopts int -- bit map off all options stored in sysdatqabases.status -- that can be set by sp_dboption. declare @alloptopts int -- bit map off all options stored in sysdatqabases.status -- that can be set by sp_dboption. declare @allcatopts int -- bit map off all options stored in sysdatqabases.category -- that can be set by sp_dboption. declare @exec_stmt nvarchar(max) declare @fulloptname varchar(35) declare @alt_optname varchar(50) declare @alt_optvalue varchar(30) declare @optnameIn varchar(35) select @optnameIn = @optname ,@optname = LOWER (@optname collate Latin1_General_CI_AS) -- If no @dbname given, just list the possible dboptions. -- Only certain status bits may be set or cleared by sp_dboption. -- Get bitmap of all options that can be set by sp_dboption. select @allstatopts=number from master.dbo.spt_values where type = 'D' and name = 'ALL SETTABLE OPTIONS' select @allcatopts=number from master.dbo.spt_values where type = 'DC' and name = 'ALL SETTABLE OPTIONS' select @alloptopts=number from master.dbo.spt_values where type = 'D2' and name = 'ALL SETTABLE OPTIONS' if @dbname is null begin select 'Settable database options:' = name from master.dbo.spt_values where (type = 'D' and number & @allstatopts <> 0 and number not in (0,@allstatopts)) -- Eliminate non-option entries or (type = 'DC' and number & @allcatopts <> 0 and number not in (0,@allcatopts)) or (type = 'D2' and number & @alloptopts <> 0 and number not in (0,@alloptopts)) order by name return (0) end -- Verify the database name and get info select @dbid = dbid from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @dbname -- If @dbname not found, say so and list the databases. if @dbid is null begin raiserror(15010,-1,-1,@dbname) print ' ' select 'Available databases:' = name from master.dbo.sysdatabases return (1) end -- If no option was supplied, display current settings. if @optname is null begin select 'The following options are set:' = v.name from master.dbo.spt_values v, master.dbo.sysdatabases d where d.name=@dbname and ((number & @allstatopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@allstatopts) and v.type = 'D' and (v.number & d.status)=v.number) or (number & @allcatopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@allcatopts) and v.type = 'DC' and d.category & v.number <> 0) or (number & @alloptopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@alloptopts) and v.type = 'D2' and d.status2 & v.number <> 0)) return(0) end if @optvalue is not null and lower(@optvalue) not in ('true', 'false', 'on', 'off') begin raiserror(15241,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Use @optname and try to find the right option. -- If there isn't just one, print appropriate diagnostics and return. select @optcount = count(*) ,@fulloptname = min(name) from master.dbo.spt_values where lower(name collate Latin1_General_CI_AS) like '%' + @optname + '%' and ((type = 'D' and number & @allstatopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@allstatopts)) or (type = 'DC' and number & @allcatopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@allcatopts)) or (type = 'D2' and number & @alloptopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@alloptopts))) -- If no option, show the user what the options are. if @optcount = 0 begin raiserror(15011,-1,-1,@optnameIn) print ' ' select 'Settable database options:' = name from master.dbo.spt_values where (type = 'D' and number & @allstatopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@allstatopts)) -- Eliminate non-option entries or (type = 'DC' and number & @allcatopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@allcatopts)) or (type = 'D2' and number & @alloptopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@alloptopts)) order by name return (1) end -- If more than one option like @optname, show the duplicates and return. if @optcount > 1 begin raiserror(15242,-1,-1,@optnameIn) print ' ' select duplicate_options = name from master.dbo.spt_values where lower(name collate Latin1_General_CI_AS) like '%' + @optname + '%' and ((type = 'D' and number & @allstatopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@allstatopts)) or (type = 'DC' and number & @allcatopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@allcatopts)) or (type = 'D2' and number & @alloptopts <> 0 and number not in (-1,@alloptopts)) ) return (1) end -- Just want to see current setting of specified option. if @optvalue is null begin select OptionName = v.name, CurrentSetting = (case when ( ((v.number & d.status) = v.number and v.type = 'D') or (d.category & v.number <> 0 and v.type = 'DC') or (d.status2 & v.number <> 0 and v.type = 'D2') ) then 'ON' when not ( ((v.number & d.status) = v.number and v.type = 'D') or (d.category & v.number <> 0 and v.type = 'DC') or (d.status2 & v.number <> 0 and v.type = 'D2') ) then 'OFF' end) from master.dbo.spt_values v, master.dbo.sysdatabases d where d.name=@dbname and ((v.number & @allstatopts <> 0 and v.number not in (-1,@allstatopts) -- Eliminate non-option entries and v.type = 'D') or (v.number & @allcatopts <> 0 and v.number not in (-1,@allcatopts) -- Eliminate non-option entries and v.type = 'DC') or (v.number & @alloptopts <> 0 and v.number not in (-1,@alloptopts) -- Eliminate non-option entries and v.type = 'D2') ) and lower(v.name) = lower(@fulloptname) return (0) end select @catvalue = 0 select @catvalue = number from master.dbo.spt_values where lower(name) = lower(@fulloptname) and type = 'DC' -- if setting replication option, call sp_replicationdboption directly if (@catvalue <> 0) begin select @alt_optvalue = (case lower(@optvalue) when 'true' then 'true' when 'on' then 'true' else 'false' end) select @alt_optname = (case @catvalue when 1 then 'publish' when 2 then 'subscribe' when 4 then 'merge publish' else quotename(@fulloptname, '''') end) select @exec_stmt = quotename(@dbname, '[') + '.dbo.sp_replicationdboption' EXEC @exec_stmt @dbname, @alt_optname, @alt_optvalue return (0) end -- call Alter Database to set options -- set option value in alter database select @alt_optvalue = (case lower(@optvalue) when 'true' then 'ON' when 'on' then 'ON' else 'OFF' end) -- set option name in alter database select @fulloptname = lower(@fulloptname) select @alt_optname = (case @fulloptname when 'auto create statistics' then 'AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS' when 'auto update statistics' then 'AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS' when 'autoclose' then 'AUTO_CLOSE' when 'autoshrink' then 'AUTO_SHRINK' when 'ansi padding' then 'ANSI_PADDING' when 'arithabort' then 'ARITHABORT' when 'numeric roundabort' then 'NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT' when 'ansi null default' then 'ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT' when 'ansi nulls' then 'ANSI_NULLS' when 'ansi warnings' then 'ANSI_WARNINGS' when 'concat null yields null' then 'CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL' when 'cursor close on commit' then 'CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT' when 'torn page detection' then 'TORN_PAGE_DETECTION' when 'quoted identifier' then 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER' when 'recursive triggers' then 'RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS' when 'default to local cursor' then 'CURSOR_DEFAULT' when 'offline' then (case @alt_optvalue when 'ON' then 'OFFLINE' else 'ONLINE' end) when 'read only' then (case @alt_optvalue when 'ON' then 'READ_ONLY' else 'READ_WRITE' end) when 'dbo use only' then (case @alt_optvalue when 'ON' then 'RESTRICTED_USER' else 'MULTI_USER' end) when 'single user' then (case @alt_optvalue when 'ON' then 'SINGLE_USER' else 'MULTI_USER' end) when 'select into/bulkcopy' then 'RECOVERY' when 'trunc. log on chkpt.' then 'RECOVERY' when 'db chaining' then 'DB_CHAINING' else @alt_optname end) if @fulloptname = 'dbo use only' begin if @alt_optvalue = 'ON' begin if databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'IsSingleUser') = 1 begin raiserror(5066,-1,-1); return (1) end end else begin if databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'IsDBOOnly') = 0 return (0) end end if @fulloptname = 'single user' begin if @alt_optvalue = 'ON' begin if databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'ISDBOOnly') = 1 begin raiserror(5066,-1,-1); return (1) end end else begin if databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'IsSingleUser') = 0 return (0) end end select @alt_optvalue = (case @fulloptname when 'default to local cursor' then (case @alt_optvalue when 'ON' then 'LOCAL' else 'GLOBAL' end) when 'offline' then '' when 'read only' then '' when 'dbo use only' then '' when 'single user' then '' else @alt_optvalue end) if lower(@fulloptname) = 'select into/bulkcopy' begin if @alt_optvalue = 'ON' begin if databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'IsTrunclog') = 1 select @alt_optvalue = 'RECMODEL_70BACKCOMP' else select @alt_optvalue = 'BULK_LOGGED' end else begin if databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'IsTrunclog') = 1 select @alt_optvalue = 'SIMPLE' else select @alt_optvalue = 'FULL' end end if lower(@fulloptname) = 'trunc. log on chkpt.' begin if @alt_optvalue = 'ON' begin if databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'IsBulkCopy') = 1 select @alt_optvalue = 'RECMODEL_70BACKCOMP' else select @alt_optvalue = 'SIMPLE' end else begin if databasepropertyex(@dbname, 'IsBulkCopy') = 1 select @alt_optvalue = 'BULK_LOGGED' else select @alt_optvalue = 'FULL' end end -- construct the ALTER DATABASE command string select @exec_stmt = 'ALTER DATABASE ' + quotename(@dbname) + ' SET ' + @alt_optname + ' ' + @alt_optvalue + ' WITH NO_WAIT' EXEC (@exec_stmt) if @@error <> 0 begin raiserror(15627,-1,-1) return (1) end return (0) -- sp_dboption&
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